Monday, March 15, 2010

Blog#6 There are many types of evolution convergent and divergent are two. Look them up. Define them and give an example of each type of evolution.

Convergent evolution is when different species show a similar trait that both of them share but did not come from the same ancestor. For example, birds and bats have one similar characteristic which is their wings, but their ancestors are different. They are constructed different but both have the same abilities.
Divergent evolution is when they do share a common ancestor but differ in structure and function. Due to the fact that a species must adapt to different environments, that one common structure becomes different physically and is used for other purposes. Sometimes this results in a new species. For example, the Galapagos Finches used to live on the same Island and had the same beak but as they flew away to different enviroments and adapted differently. That is how their beaks changed.

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