Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Blog 11 What are at least three ways to prevent soil erosion?

One way to prevent soil erosion on residential landscaped gardens and vegetation and crop properties is to plant flowers, trees and crops over the affect soil. Plants act as protective shields to the soil lessening the impact of rainfall, wind, excessive watering and ice melt. The plants will also help stabilize the soil and prevent it from becoming prone to soil erosion. Some popular soil erosion prevention plants are: wild flowers, crop veggies, small trees and herbs. Plants which crawl up and spread instead of growing upwards are also great soil erosion prevention plants.

One common product which are most commonly used on residential properties, vegetation crops and vacant land is matting. Matting is available in wood fibres which make it environmentally friendly and biodegradable. The matting will be placed on the soils surface and prevent erosion from occurring. The matting will allow plants, crops and trees to grow through it and the soil will be healthy and stabilized. Matting can be cut to size to suit your property.

Another soil erosion prevention method which is beneficial to the soil and plants which live in it, is applying a layer of mulch and fertilizer over the soil. The mulch and fertilizer layer will assist the soil to soak in water slowly and it will also lessen the impact of rainfall as it penetrates through to the soil. The mulch and fertilizer layer will also stabilize the affect soil by regaining its PH levels to be healthy and neutralized. Any type of mulch or fertilizer can be used to prevent soil erosion.

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